Live By Faith
I don't know about you dear reader, but for a long time, I used to pray to God when going through tests and trials, and instead of waiting upon Him to work things out for me, I'd go out of my way to try and work out the situations I was facing. The problem, was that I'd try and do it on behalf of God...after praying to Him and placing everything in His hands. Bad move I tell you!
God knows our hearts desires. He puts dreams and visions in our hearts, and He is not one to disappoint. He wants the best for us. But there is one thing He wants from us, in order to fulfill His promises to us. God wants us to totally surrender to Him, and trust in Him.
Whatever you are going through, take it God in prayer, and let Him do the rest. And as you wait for Him to work things out for you, don't be afraid. Live by faith. Remember Hebrews 11:1? "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." Put your faith into action, and you'll be amazed!