Last Weekend
Ok, so last weekend (Saturday, 13 November 2010)I was with my dear friend Elizabeth a.k.a Princess Sharifah. Elizabeth and I were going for her friend Caine's party. The theme of the party was "LIFE". Elizabeth was particularly excited about it, because she's never been able to attend any of Caine's functions, for one reason or another. This was supposed to be her first time to attend at least one of Caine's functions, but for reasons only God knows, it wasn't meant to be.
We had barely left Elizabeth's house, and as we were driving down Green street (Joondana)an asian boy coming from the opposite direction decided to turn right onto Edinboro Street, without caring to stop and give time for the cars going straight to pass. It happened so fast, one minute the road seemed fine, the next minute, I saw a green car blocking my way and the next thing I remembwr was a loud bang!
Within minutes, Caine's party theme became real for me. I saw my life flashing before my eyes. It took me sometime to realise that my friend and I were still alive. It was a truly traumatic experience, but the most amazing thing about the accident was that God was there with us. Later that night as Elizabeth and I were talking, we were both surprised to find out that when the accident happened, we both saw a bight white light. I can guarantee you this wasn't the sun or anything like that. In fact, I've never seen anything like that before. Truly, that was God!
Elizabeth and I are so blessed to be alive. We escaped with a few injuries here and there, but all in all, God kept us safe through that ordeal, and the least we can do is thank Him for looking out for us. Ours is a true testimony that God looks after His children. Elizabeth and I truly believe that last weekend's incidence will not only strengthen our friendship, but it will also make us grow spiritually.
What an inspiring story!!!It's amazing how God protects His chosen ones!!All I can say is "Glory be to God", Amen!
What an inspiring story. Its amazing how God protects His chosen ones....bless His name, Amen!
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