Why Does God Allow Bad Things to Happen to Good People?
Have you ever stopped to seriously think about this question? As Christians, we often go through situations (joblessness; sickness; loosing loved ones; financial difficulties; just to name a few) when we begin to question. We wonder why God is allowing us to go through these things, and sometimes, we even wonder if God really exists, and whether He cares for us.
The Bible makes it clear that there are NO good people Romans 3:10-18. If it is true that good people do not exist, then what we really need to ask ourselves is why does God allow good things to happen to bad people? When we look at the other side of the coin, our perspective changes. Again, the answer to this question is found in the Bible, in Romans 5:8.
When we face difficult and trying situations, it is important for us to keep our heads held high, and take courage knowing that God's love, grace and mercy will see us through. We therefore need to trust God, and trust that everything He allows to happen, whether good or bad, happens for a reason. When we trust in God, He opens our eyes and we begin to see things from a different angle.
Given below are some inspiring notes that help clarify why bad things happen to people who seem undeserving of them:
1. God has a chance to manifest Himself through our problems.
2. Before God does a miracle, there must be a problem, and the bigger the problem, the greater the miracle. The tougher the challenge, the sweeter the victory. The deeper the problem, the greater God’s manifestation.
3. Before God takes you to your destiny (Promised Land, Canaan) first He must send you to wilderness (a place of preparation).
4. Wilderness is not a dying place but where God’s power is manifested.
5. Before you complain before God, first check whether the source (root) of the problem is you. You can be root of the problem. (Author unknown)
So remember to trust in God and to thank Him, because He has a reason for everything, and His way is best.