Congratulations Francis & Joelle :)
In the few years I've been here, I have met a number of people from all walks of life. Meeting people from different cultural backgrounds is a great experience for me, as I not only understand and appreciate these people, but I also form friendships with them that I pray will last for the rest of my life.
Joelle and Francis are among some of the friends I have made while here.I have known them both since April 2003, when I became a volunteer of
RVTV. I was put in team one, which happens to be led by the beautiful Joelle, and this was the beginning of my frienship with her.In addition, I was looking for a connect group, and when I finally found one, surprise! surprise! Francis and his mate Tyson were members of the connect group and because I did not have a car at that time, every fortnight they would faithfully pick me up for connect group and drop me home afterwards.
A year later, Francis became the connect group leader, and when he did, his girlfriend (now his wife) Joelle joined our connect group.Due to spending lots of time with them at connect group and RVTV, my friendship with them has continued to grow over the last few years.Joelle and Francis have been there for me in ways I cannot explain.They offer me a shoulder to cry on, support me through hard times, listen to me when I need a listening ear, laugh with me in times of joy. Joelle and Francis are like angels sent from up above, and I hold them close to my heart.
Well guys, yesterday Joelle and Francis got married and I must say it was a great honour to share with them such a special moment of their lives.Of course the camera came in handy, so these are some of the photos from the wedding, although you might see a few that were taken prior to the wedding.Congratulations Joelle and Francis.Wish you God's blessings and a happy marriage.
This was our last Connect Group of 2006 on Joelle's birthday

Joelle, Francis and I at the Volunteers Pirate Party
My ANGEL...Joelle and I during the RVTV vision night
Joelle and Francis exchanging wedding vows
Mr. and Mrs. O'Donohue at the reception