Starfish Lizangie's Blog

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

08' Update

Happy New Year dear readers... well, as the good ol' saying goes: "Better late than never." Anyway, my year has started well. Really busy but good, and i'm grateful to God. I got a new job...totally different from my previous job, but really good, coz it's with a communicatons management agency, that specialises in public relations and crisis management. That's just a blessing in disguise for me, especially now that i've completed my Master of Professional Communications, with a major in PR.

My workmates are all great to work with, and very encouraging too. We've all decide to go healthy, so starting today, we entered a weight loss challenge, which will be running till the end of the month, with a reward to whoever looses the most weight...a great way to motivate each other to stay healthy...and loose weight. Sorry, but can't tell you what the reward is, coz i'm sure if I tell you and happen to win it, i'll definitely be getting unwanted visitors. Stay tuned however, for more updates on how the weight loss challenge is going, and look out for the new me (I hope) at the end of the month, but in the mean time, please don't send me any chocolate or offer to take me out for ice-cream.

I'm also officially back on RVTV after taking a long, well deserved and much needed break. I must say it's great to be back on board, serving God with such amazing people.

Most importantly, i'm learning to spend more time in prayer, reading the Bible, and seeking God, as I want to go into a deeper relationship with Him this year and for the rest of my life. I'm trusting that 2008 is going to be a fantastic year full of God's favour, new opportunities and i'm all set for starting a whole new chapter in my life.

Stay blessed

The L girl :)


At Monday, March 17, 2008 7:09:00 pm, Blogger Mv$H said...

hey chicky, i didn't know you still visited my blog!!! How are you? What are you doing these days during the day?

Yeah, we're all in shock ;-) Agggh, we have the cutest little boys outfits... i spose we could still use them!!! I'm glad you like the name Grace. I don't think i've met anyone that dislikes that name, but then again, everyone likes God's grace, hey ;-)


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