Starfish Lizangie's Blog

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Update: Uncensored

Whoa! It's been a while since I posted anything, but i'm back again and hopefully i'll start blogging on a regular basis. Anyway, last week my life was like a rollercoaster, and I seriously never want to go through anything like that again.

To start with, I turned a quarter of a century old last Monday, but the day before, I fell really ill. Well, i'd been having a flu for about two weeks, and nothing seemed to be getting rid of it. Anyway, on Sunday I woke up at about 5am with a terrible ear ache and sore throat...I took some painkillers as I was heading off to work about an hour later. I managed to work for four hours, then my workmate sent me home as I wasn't looking too well. So I spent the rest of the day in bed spewing and really praying that I would feel better and live to see another day.

The following day, which was also the "Big Day" (October 8th - my birthday) I was in bed for most of the day, but later that afternoon my younger brother took me to uni where I was going to do an interview for my research. While at uni, I decided to go to the medical centre, where I was given some antibiotics and a jab to reduce the high fever and spewing(sorry if you're eating while reading this).

On Tuesday I was playing strong, and I picked up my family friends from the airport eraly in the morning, before heading off to uni for a group meeting...big mistake!! Being at uni was a real struggle though I tried my best to contribute ideas for the assignment. After the group meeting, it took me about two hours to gather the energy to walk to my car and drive home. Of course by the time I got home, the best solution was to go to bed.

Then on Wednesday I thought I was getting better, so I headed off to uni again and managed to do an assignment with one of my group members. I also managed to attend the tutorial in the evening, although an hour or so later, my lecturer/tutor realised I wasn't too well, so she sent me home, promising me that I wouldn't miss much, and whatever I would miss wouldn't come in the exam...of course I believed her coz I don't have any exams this semester!

So on Thursday, I was home for most of the day, but again that afternoon I decided I was going to be a superhero and go for my afternoon the way, I forgot to mention that the whole time, my left ear was still quite sore. When I got to work, I began to wonder why I had bothered to rock up for the shift, coz the lady I was working with that afternoon complains all the time, and she's really loud...Trust me, there's nothing worse than working with her when your ear is hurting like hell!! So when I got home from work, I made up my mind to sleep straight away, hoping that I would wake up feeling better the following day.

However, I couldn't sleep as I was in too much, so I informed my brother Martin that I was heading off to the chemist for some painkillers, eardrops or anything to get rid of the pain. The pharmacist was quite concerned, becuase she couldn't understand why I was still in a lot of pain even when i'd been on antibiotics for four days. She suggested I go see a doctor as soon as possible. Then, when I thought things couldn't get any worse, while I was still at the chemist, my right jaw started aching and swelling. I was in tears, and in so much pain left, right and centre, and I was now almost sure I wouldn't make it through the night. The pharmacist then called Martin and Des (our housemate), and when they arrived, they dashed me off to Royal Perth Hospital, where I was admitted until Saturday.

Until that day, I never knew something like a flu could turn out to be that serious. Anyway, I'm getting better now, and I haven't stopped thanking God for seeing me through. I keep meditating on His word in Isaiah 53 that says, "By His stripes, I am healed." My experience over the last week is now a testimony of God's grace, mercy and love upon my life.


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